Anne Hathaway Keeps Her Private and Work Lives Separate

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Anne Hathaway became famous with movies such as The Devil Wears Prada and The Princess Diaries.

The actor likes to talk about her work and Gen Z fashion. However, she doesn’t want to share much information about her children. Good on her, let’s look a little closer at her thoughts.

Hathaway Protects Her Family From Public Attention

Hathaway feels that her children need to be able to define their own lives. The actor thinks it’s her responsibility to give them the chance to do that. It never even occurred to Anne Hathaway to link her film career and her family. The only thing they have in common is the gratitude she feels for having them both.

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Anne Hathaway does all she can to protect her sons from prying eyes. She has been outspoken about her uneasy journey with motherhood, though. The actor thinks getting pregnant and becoming a mom are more complicated than is usually portrayed. Before motherhood, Hathaway didn’t feel obliged to be always her best self. After that, she wanted to be completely true to herself on every level.

Hathaway thinks she is true to herself after she became a mom but that her life does not belong just to her now. The actor doesn’t have to just care about her health but also think about the needs of her family. She sees them as her “team,” and she looks after them.

A Style Star

Hathaway has reached a point of feeling confident to play freely with fashion. She has much fun with her style of publicity, but it’s different at home. There, she is all about finding that perfect clothing item—a pair of jeans! It’s her way of separating her public image from her private life.

Ann Hathaway has learned to engage publicly in an authentic way, while still keeping some parts of herself back. The actor has been married to Adam Shulman since 2012. The couple has two sons, Jonathan, aged seven, and Jack, aged three. The 41-year-old mom of two never mentions them on social media and rarely in interviews. Good on her.