Screen time for young children is considered a controversial topic for many parents. Some feel that too much time on tablets, phones, or the television will mess with their children and isn’t beneficial for development. Others, however, think it’s alright to have some screen time every day. According to the AAP, the American Academy of Pediatrics, by the age of two, screen time should not be any longer than an hour a day. Perhaps it’s best to choose educational shows with valuable life lessons.
Tough subjects are hard for most parents with small children but the wonderful kid’s show, Storybots, helps by being relatable. It’s much easier for a child to understand something that’s otherwise tough to comprehend when presented rhythmically and repetitively, as this show plays out.

It’s a simple show — no difficult plotlines. It circles asking a question and dedicating an entire episode to answering it. What’s great about it is that it ranges from simple to deep questions.
Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood
The episodes center around relationships with others and showing kindness, and being compassionate.

It’s a great educational show to present to children ages two and up as it emphasizes the importance of loved ones and how families can make children feel safer by supporting one another.
One of the great educational shows meant for kids ages four and up, Bluey teaches kids how to solve problems together as a family.

On the one hand, it shows kids how to be independent and solve problems themselves. On the other hand, it aids parents in supporting kids through tough issues and working together.
Doc McStuffins
Although the main character, Doc, uses critical thinking to heal her toys, this favorite among kid shows centers around being a role model for young children. Doc’s mother is a physician herself and sets a perfect example for her daughter. And the bonus is the more comfort children might feel visiting the doctor after the wonderful experiences portrayed in the show.

Even if you’re on the fence about whether or not your child should get screen time and how much of it is appropriate, these educational kid shows might be enough to steer your thinking in another direction. It might be useful for your child to watch relatable problems and the solutions presented, which are easy to understand for children of young ages.