30 Incredible Moments Captured on Trail Cams

Nature can be indecisive, but trail cam photography is certainly not! Despite all the cautious efforts of wildlife photographers to stalk and capture the activities of a beast, they still find a way to evade the lens. Here come the trail cams, unbeknownst to the wildlife, perfectly capturing some incredible moments.

Wanna Go, Bro?

We’ve all seen one of those scary movies in which the zombies approach their prey in slow motion, with odd stiff movements and open mouths. It seems as though this spooked deer also watched one of those films recently!

Wanna Go, Bro?

In reality, when bucks don’t have antlers to fight with, they stand straight up on their hind legs and battle with razor-sharp hooves. So, in other words, this deer was getting ready to battle.

Step Away Slowly

Well, this is pretty terrifying. If you ever see a black bear stand on its hind legs like this, it could mean that it’s trying to get a better look or to pick up your scent if it can’t tell what you are.

Step Away Slowly

If you ever find yourself in this position, alter your route or back away slowly, preferably in the direction you came. Walk, rather than run, and keep your eye on the bear so you can see how it reacts. In most cases, the bear will flee. If the bear walks toward you, yell and throw something at it.

Quacked Out

Here’s yet another beautiful image displaying nature in all its glory. But, with so many ducks flying in one direction like this, it could mean two things — they are either escaping a possible predator or flying to a warmer place.

Quacked Out

This may be an image from a trail cam but it almost looks like a professional photograph — like something you’d see in an issue of National Geographic.

Foxy Lady

You can’t miss the fox here! After all, it’s the main star, standing atop a tree trunk, facing some sort of audience! Pretty straightforward, isn’t it? A fox certainly does enjoy spending its time in the woods.

Foxy Lady

The fox in this trail cam shot seems like it’s ready to deliver a speech! Or perhaps a foxy lady (ha, get it?) just caught its eye…

Rock the Party

It’s an odd scenario to witness a gang of elk rave in the middle of the day. But, here we are! Clearly, these guys are enjoying themselves.

Rock the Party

From the looks of it, they’re going to rock the house until sundown! In all seriousness, we’re quite curious to know what’s actually happening here.

The Perfect Moment

It’s hard to believe this picture was captured by a trail cam and not a photographer. We mean, the whole shot came together so perfectly! Isn’t nature just amazing?

The Perfect Moment

Between the clear sky, lush green, calming waters, the slow-grazing herd of deer — this photo is just absolutely breathtaking.

Welcome to My Kingdom

This picture is just pristine and majestic! This bobcat is on the prowl, patroling the mountaintop with pride.

Welcome to My Kingdom

This wildcat probably patrols the snow-clad mountaintop like a pro, regularly in search of food. And looking at his approach, it seems the food needs to be of top quality! So, any small mammal or a frozen bird won’t do. It surely enjoys dining like royalty!

Turkey Takeover

Did you know that a group of turkeys is technically called a ‘rafter’ or ‘flock’? And a rafter of turkeys can easily make any territory their own!

Turkey Takeover

Just like the group in this trail cam photo. Do you see the rafter of turkeys here? You don’t want to mess with these guys!

Staring Into My Soul

Have you ever had a turkey stare into your soul? Well, here’s your chance! It seems he’s the last one standing. This turkey definitely knows what you did last Thanksgiving!

Staring Into My Soul

And last Christmas, too! He’s the only one left from his group, and just waiting to get his revenge! We’re only kidding — this guy seems adorable.

On the Hunt

This trail cam moment is a mighty frightening sight! The king predator of the sky here is engaging in a deadly hunting game with its land-prowling counterpart!

On the Hunt

According to an official record, an adult bald eagle was once caught carrying a dead deer that weight 15 pounds. This is officially the heaviest load ever carried by a flying bird! Knowing that, it’s no surprise that the mighty wolf here is running away from those razor-sharp talons and hooked beak.

A Well-Traveled Path

Wolves obviously follow the ‘path of least resistance’ mentality, just like us humans! That’s why this pack of wolves is following the ready-made trail to swiftly scour the lands.

A Well-Traveled Path

Wide trails are no doubt great, especially when it comes to a snow-covered path. And anybody can make the most of this opportunity, more so when the trail is well-traveled.

Baloo, Is That You?

This trail cam shot seems to have come straight from a page of The Jungle Book. Look at Baloo majestically crossing a log over the river. With an average weight of around 200 pounds, American black bears can weigh up to 550 pounds.

Baloo, Is That You?

And this one is surely leading the way. He seems quite intelligent, too! Bears are expert swimmers, but our Baloo here is cleverly avoiding the chilly water by taking a different route.

Gazing Into the Future

We don’t know what this little guy is looking at out there. But, there’s surely something intriguing. It may be distant, perhaps dreamy, even otherworldly — no one knows.

Gazing Into the Future

Whatever it is, it has obviously left this coyote in a state of trance. Is it gazing into the future? If it is, we hope it sees something good…

The Night Gymnast

This high-quality nighttime shot was taken with an SLR trail cam by an Oregon-based professor. And as you can see, nothing better could have been used to capture the power and poise of wildlife than this picture — even in the dark of night.

The Night Gymnast

The large wildcat here is taking a graceful leap over a fallen tree. Look closely, and you’ll understand just how acrobatic this four-legged cat is!

Gobble, Gobble

This may sound a little surprising — you might not even believe us — but wild turkeys are actually capable of flying.

Gobble, Gobble

In fact, they can fly up to 55 miles per hour for short distances! You’ll likely see them on the ground, though, as they typically remain grounded unless they’re spooked by something.

A Majestic Creature

There’s no other word to describe this frame other than majestic! Again, this is an unbelievable trail cam capture. The lighting, the color, the composition — all of it combined has painted such a picture-perfect shot!

A Majestic Creature

In this trail cam photo, it looks as though the brown bear has its eyes set on something specific. If only we knew what exactly…

A Calming View

We don’t know about you guys but one look at this photo and we instantly felt a wave of calmness wash over us.

A Calming View

Whether it’s the snow-covered ground or the lax vibes that these two deer are giving off, there’s just something so serene about this whole image. We guess it makes sense, though, considering that there’s so much beauty in simplicity.


Whatever the species or size, a cat is still a cat! Take a look at this trail cam pic and you’ll understand what we mean. Self-grooming routines are not just for humans!


This wild one just happened to be sitting under direct sunlight atop a fallen tree to catch up on some afternoon self-care. For such a mighty predator, regular cleansing and grooming is a must! is it time for you to book your session at the spa yet?

Going Wild

We’ve all experienced a bad hair day at least once in our lives! It could have been a Sunday morning that you woke up after a night of partying. You then couldn’t have your coffee and didn’t have time to wash or comb your hair before rushing to brunch with your friends.

Going Wild

Or think about that rave weekend party — where you tried a wild hairdo for the first time. Well, it’s all the same in the elk world, too! Why should humans have all the fun?

One Too Many Points

We all know that male deer have pointy horns — a.k.a. antlers. The points on a buck are the individual tines of the buck’s antlers.

One Too Many Points

Generally speaking, the more points a buck has, the more prestige its reputation is. Personally, we prefer to admire these antlers from a distance.

The Matrix Move

Have you ever wondered why deer hunting is so tough compared to others? Well, take a look at this trail cam picture, and you may understand exactly why. Look at the incredible body flexibility of the deer on the left.

The Matrix Move

With such Matrix-like reflexes, this one can outrun any other animal, while dodging weapons like a pro! It’s now quite obvious as to why deer hunting is not as easy as we thought…

Ready for My Close-Up

Now, this is one friendly buck! While most of the animals are generally camera-shy, this guy is so ready for his close-up shot!

Ready for My Close-Up

Some practice on pose and poise, and this little guy will be model-ready before he knows it! See you at the next photoshoot, bucky!

It’s Family Time

It’s not so often that you get a snap of a whole bear family. This trail cam picture has captured that rare moment. Look at this adorable bear family spending some wholesome time together.

It’s Family Time

While the manmade debris of barrels and boxes is a strange sight in the middle of a forest, the lovely bear family has made the most of it.

Natural Camouflage

Now, this is what we call the beautiful nature of camouflage. This trail cam picture perfectly captures, yet hides, the existence of wildlife.

Natural Camouflage

Don’t see it? Look closely — you’ll notice a fox weaving around the rocks and boulders, on the prowl for something to eat.

Women Only!

It’s an emergency nighttime meet! And wherever these does are headed, it’s clearly a women’s-only meeting. Not a single stag can be spotted among the group of does. They look quite focused and somewhat determined about something!

Women Only!

We wonder, what’s the urgent call about? Is this some indication of a possible revolution in the deer world? Clearly, it’s time for the females to lead the way.

Predatory Cat

Nothing’s more terrifying than coming across a predator, especially while it’s in the middle of a hunt. And this trail cam snap is glaring proof of that. We mean, it’s absolutely bone-chilling!

Predatory Cat

It’s not easy to catch a picture like this when a wild animal is in action. A trail cam is obviously one of the best ways to capture this kind of moment.

Love Is in the Air

Young or old, it’s clear that these two panthers share a connection. They’re completely oblivious to the rest of the world — because love is in the air.

Love Is in the Air

Who knows what the future holds for them. For now, they’re just enjoying the moment. And who are we to disturb the lovebirds? Er, sorry… panthers.

Screaming Out


Sometimes, you just need to have a good scream to get on with your day! Clearly, this stag feels the same. So, here he is screaming at the top of his lungs, letting out all his frustrations.

Screaming Out

And he couldn’t care any less about the trail cam right in front of him! Or so we think.

There You Are!

The whole point of a trail cam is to capture animals in their natural habitat. The idea is that they’re unaware they’re being watched or captured. But, this guy looks like a smart one.

There You Are!

He seems to have found the camera and is looking right at it. It feels as though he’s looking right at us and saying — “Gotchya, buddy!”

So Graceful

Isn’t this just absolutely breathtaking? The deer is gallantly crossing this body of water, without a care in the world. This particular deer is a Chinese water deer.

So Graceful

Native to fertile river bottoms in Korea and the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang) valley in China, the Chinese water deer is the only species of deer in which males lack antlers.